LjudDesign Scandinavia AB
or LDS for short, is a unique sound company in Scandinavia since it's the only one specialized in theatre and musicalsound equipment.
The company was formed in 1998 but has it's roots back in the 1980's when Lyddesign A/S and Sound Side AB started to work together in Stockholm with musical theatres. The first show was “Cats” premiered in Stockholm 1986 with Tom Sætre as sound designer. After 12 years of co-operate in a numerous of musicals and plays, the cooperation was formalised in LjudDesign Scandinavia AB.
The first project as the new company was “Chicago The Musical” in Gothenburg 1999.
With the new product line of Line Source System speakers, LDS has introduced the first custom made musical and theatre speakers made by sound designers for sound designers. In only a couple of years the speakers has been used not only in Scandinavia, but at West End in London, Broadway in New York, at musicals and concerts in Germany, The Netherlands and Estonia. The shows has been prestigeous musicals like ”Lés Miserables”, “Mary Poppins”, “Evita” and “Miss Saigon”.
LjudDesign Scandinavia AB will continue its sound philosophy in theatres and musicals that puts the ensemble, music and audience in focus.